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Who we are

A blended Cape Verdean/ Puerto Rican family from Chelsea, MA our main focus is to provide fresh, and local fruits, vegetables and eggs to areas in the greatest need of them. My husband's father was raised on his family farm in Isabella, Puerto Rico, my grandmother was born on a farm in Bridgewater, MA. Unfortunately our families were not able to continue these farms and we never knew them. Growing up in a small city outside of Boston we dreamed of having green space and spent our free time hiking and camping. We love the land like a family member and treat it as such.  Maybe farming is in our blood maybe not but we love growing in nature to provide one of our most basic needs; food. We believe everyone deserves access to fresh, local fruits, vegetables, and eggs.


We keep 2 small flocks of chickens and ducks. Our ducks enjoy foraging, splashing and lay beautiful white eggs. Our chickens are a curious bunch of ladies who also enjoy foraging and lay blue, green and light brown eggs. 

chickens foraging flags

Fruits and Vegetables

For the 2023 Season we are growing

Strawberries                         Pinto Beans

Ground Cherries                 Jalepenos

Snacking Tomatoes          Collards

Summer Squash                Sweet Peppers

Sour Cherries                       Cucumbers


eggplant new growth
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